Sunday, 31 March 2013

Happy Easter Sunday!

I've written a passage called the path of life HERE!
I've started another blog about books HERE!
The final day of Fire Princesses have come...  Place your vote now HERE!
Please spread the word to others about my blog!

Hi everyone! Just saying a Happy Easter. It wasn't a great Easter for egg hunts... slushy muddy ground, cloudy gray day, and STILL SNOWING! Can you believe it?!? It's almost April! Grrrrrrr... Oh well. Nothing we can do about it.

Here I have, in honor of Easter, a girl with bunny ears and an Easter outfit. I experimented with filling in the background with color on Paint after I'd scanned it onto the computer. She has a patterned blouse and skirt, and her boots are egg-filled. Little fuzzies are like rabbit tails on her wrists. The thing is, though, this outfit would not be able to be worn this Easter. It's wwaaayyyyy to cold. Grrrr... Happy March 31st!

Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Thoughts of Luna and Me

Note: I've just started another blog HERE about books, come check it out plz!
Note: I have a new short work of writing up! Be sure to check it out HERE
Note: The poll for the princesses seems to not be working well... please comment your vote. Thanks!
Note: Princess Judging! Judge before it's too late HERE
Anyways, I'm back from my break in posting! Woohoo! During break, I wrote a short story and will possibly be posting it on my prose writing page. It's called Red, and it's about a girl named Red who's a princess. I'm still on the first draft, editing and stuff, so it's not perfect! 

In other news, March Madness is going on (men's basketball tournament). I'm rooting for Marquette. The team got to the Elite Eight, but tonight they're facing Syracuse... nervous! I hope the team you're rooting for wins! (But I also want Marquette to win). 

Finally, I have here today, the day before Easter, a random Princess Luna Picture. It's entitled "Luna's Thoughts." Happy March 30th!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Graceling and Luna

Note: Princess Judging will be closing on April 1st. Judge before it's too late HERE
Well, today was a very book-y day. It's one of the rare days I don't have to get up early or do anything. That means I stayed in bed until 12:00 reading a superb awesome divine book called Graceling by Kristin Cashore. I then proceeded to take a shower and continue reading it. I'm done now, and all I've got to say is wow. So good. I devoured it! Anyone/everyone should read it! It's just so gooooooood. The thing is though, these days the books' covers are being replaced with newfangled ones, depicting real people and dark colors and making it "cool". I think those are just bad covers, and there's really no need to do that. The old covers were just as good, if not better (which in most cases is true).

I'm taking a break from posting after today, will be back in a few days. Time for me to draw some more. :) Please keep spreading the word about my bloggy-wog though. Thanks!

Here I have a mini-Luna. I drew her at the start of March. Enjoy, and Happy March 25th!

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Princess Luna: the Ruler of the Night

Note: Princess Judging is still going on, but will be closing in a few days. Vote HERE soon!
Note: I have a new prose writing page, check it out and tell my what you think: here!!
I usually put my text first, and then the pic, but today's an exception. I really like this piece I've done here, for Princess Luna of My Little Pony. Those little white sparkles in her hair are made with whiteout. :) Princess Luna is my favorite pony.Happy March 24th! (March certainly went by really fast).

Friday, 22 March 2013

Anne Frank and a Dragon

Note: Fire Princess Judging is going on HERE!
Today is the official start of Spring Break! Yipee! The sky is still impossibly blue and the sun is beginning to melt all the snow. Finally spring seems to be coming. I'm going on vacation over the week, so no posts. 

I have a dragon for you all. I drew it a week or so ago, but now seemed like the time to put it up. Those scales took forever. But I'm proud of the results and the sun behind the dragon's head is a really good circle. (I can't believe it turned out so good).

I'm reading the Diary of Anne Frank right now, and she seems to be very insightful and deep. If deepness was measured by depth of the ocean, she would be at the bottom of the Marinas Trench. (did I spell that right?). Here's one of her thoughts: "laziness may seem inviting, but only hard work will give true satisfaction." So true. 

How do you like my new paragraph per topic style? Tell me what you think in the comments. Oh and please still keep on spreading the word about my blog for the Fire Princesses. Happy March 22nd!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Hair Stylist and an Average Day

Note: Princess Judging is going on HERE!
Well, just a normal average brilliantly blue skied day. I've got lots of work to do, so I'll keep this short. Keep on spreading the word to others about the fire princess judging! I have here a hair stylist and her signature hairstyles. (Yes, it is colored!!!) Enjoy, and Happy March 21st!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Spring Fairies

Note: Princess Judging is going on HERE!
Well, I guess it is spring today. Not that it feels like it but... oh well. I have a picture of two fairies: winter and  spring. Winter is welcoming spring and is getting ready to leave. Happy March 20th!

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Dressed Up for the Show

Welcome to the Fire Princess Judging Competition! Don't know what I'm talking about? Click  HERE.The judging of the Fire Princesses is in front of many spectators. One of our star guests is Princess Katya Schroeder of the neighboring Saundra Nation. (The Fire Nation is where the judging of the princesses is occurring . She is decked in fine jewels on her crown and necklace. Gold bands circle her arms. Her skirt and top are glittery and metallic, and her shoes are midnight black high heel lace ups. Satin and silk shimmery scarves are worn on her wrists. All in all, a great look with excellent choices of accessories. Happy March 19th! 

Monday, 18 March 2013

Snow and Spirit

Urrrgghhh. Snow has just come falling down...again. Why can't spring start? It's gonna officially be spring in two days, so why can't the outside look more like it? The one good thing about winter is that it keeps the bugs away. But I'm tired of the same white deadness and want greenness and warmness! Oh well. The only thing we can do is to keep our spirits up. I have here a small sketch and it's a horse-spirit, here to keep everyone's spirit up! Yay! Please please please please spread word about my blog to anyone so the princess judging will be great. Thanks! Oh almost forgot... Happy March 18th!

Princess Judging is going on... Click HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Sunday, 17 March 2013

St. Pattie's

Not much today, just a sunny St. Patrick's Sunday. I have here the fairy of luck, and her name is Sally. I hope your day is filled with lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of Luck! Some notes: Fire Princess Judging is still going on. For info and pics, click Here. If you liked this post or this blog, Please tell others about my blog so the fire princess judging will be a success. Thanks! Happy March 17th!

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Final Fire Princesses

My final Fire Princesses are here! Yay! Now it's on to the judging. I've created a page in which all the fire princesses can be accessed... HERE!!! That's all for today, Happy March 16th!

Friday, 15 March 2013

Cats and Dolls

A rainy, misty day. I apologize for not posting any Fire Princesses,  haven't drawn number 7 or 8. Tomorrow will be the day the poll gets up, because I will post those princesses! (hopefully). The first two pictures I have today are cats. I'm not that good at kitties, but it's my best try. These are dedicated to my friend Dorothy. Down there I have four dolls. Their names, as listed, are Amy, Laura, Marie and Harriet. They're colored! Yay! That's it, I got to get drawing those fire princesses. Happy March 15th!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Princesses and Pi

Hello again today! I have more fire princesses (see link for info). The top one is princess Messalla, and the bottom one is princess Sage. Only two more until the voting for your favorite begins. :) On the very bottom, way down there, is a picture called Pi Day Cheer. Why? Well because today is Pi day! Don't know what that is? Pi day is March 14th, or 3.14, which is the first three digits of Pi. At 1:59 and 26 seconds today, it was ultra Pi day! 3.1415926! How many digits of Pi can you recite? Or would you rather eat Pie? That's all for today. Happy March 14th! 
p.s. If you read this post and like it, could you tell others about my blog? Then the fire princess competition will rock! Thanks a bunch!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Fire Princesses

(Picture via Google Images)
Hi, this is just a reminder of the Fire Princess stuff going on. I have a series of Fire Princesses who are vying for the crown and the title of queen. It's up to you to decide and vote on your favorite one! There'll be a poll up once I've posted all (I think there'll be eight) and please VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE!

A link to where you can find the master list of pictures which have the fire princesses: HERE

A review on the guidelines in order for a Princess to be a contestant: They must be firebending, pretty and have a fire nation bun with a fire symbol on their head. Please DON'T judge on the paper I drew them on or if they're colored or not.

~May the best princess win!~

(Picture via Google Images)

The Royal Family and Another Princess

Another Spring-like beautiful blue day...cross my fingers it's not another false start! I have another Fire Princess. She's number 4, and her name is Lyra Avalon as it states. My second picture is of hummingbirds. They are "the Royal Hummingbird Family." I don't have names for them, please give me advice! The guys have the plumes on their tails. The top two are king and queen, and the bottom two are the older sister and the younger brother. This picture was inspired by my friend Christina, because she wanted a pic of hummingbirds.  That's all. Happy March 13th!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Fire and Bands

Hi again, everyone! Another false start of spring...phooey. Moving on to my pictures. The first is FIRE PRINCESS NUMBER 3. Her name is Alyse, and I'm sorry to say that my scanner cut off the end of her dress (which was fancy and really ripply and cool). The Fire Princesses must be firebending in at least one hand and have the bun with the fire symbol. Yup. Then I have a "banded swan", which is a swan but has black bands and a mohawk thingy on its head. Let's just say it went extinct in 1000 B.C. That's all for today. Happy March 12th!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Fire Princess 2 and a Dedication

Here's Fire Princess 2, and don't judge by coloring! I only colored number one. By the way, her name is Sabine and she has dark highlights in her hair. The second picture is a sketch I did today and it's dedicated to a friend of mine (Kelly, and no it's not me). Her favorite animal is the panda, so I doodled a picture for her. I'll have more dedications coming up. Happy March 11th!

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Two Princesses

Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting yesterday. The week and the weekend just went by so fast. Anyways, today I have princess Luna on the bottom (with pretty decent wings). The girl on top is the first of my four (or maybe more) part series titled "Fire Princesses". I drew her sometime in February or January, and she is Fire Princess #1: Wysteria. At the end of the series, tell me which princess is your favorite and she'll be crowned Fire Queen. I got the idea from the TV show Avatar, which I watched in January. They have water, air, earth and fire nations, and the princesses are to the fire nations. That little yellow crown thing with the hair bun is the fire symbol. Enough rambling on a nice TV series. Happy March 10th! 

Friday, 8 March 2013

More March MLP and Stuff

Well, something went wrong with my scanner today, so two pictures turned out to be four. Technically, Cadence and Celestia are together and the three girls are together. Cadence's eye got messed up (whoopseys!) so it looks a bit strange. It's supposed to say school Cadence. Secondly, Celestia is wingless (sorry!) I sometimes forget to add wings on to ponies. That picture is titled Celestia's Big Dreams (with her grown-up self and a window showing a crowd of ponies in the top left). The three people are unnamed, and the one with the fancy fitted web dress is supposed to be going to the Oscars. The bottom person is just someone in the city waving. That's it for today. Happy March 8th!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Three Girls

Thursday already! Today I have three girls and Rarity and Pinkie Pie. The color didn't show up that well, sorry. The girls are named Vivian, Gretchen and Lily in order, and they would NOT appear together on the street normally, as you can see. Vivian is all dressy, Gretchen is frizzy and comfortable and Lily is a stylish schoolgirl. Ok, enough for today... Happy March 7th! 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Random and a Mermaid

Two sketches, done today. I rarely use white paper, just backs of sheets and lined paper. The first one is just dressed up people, a ballerina and two swan-birds. The second is a mermaid. Feel free to make up names for them, as I don't have a clue what they should be. I'd like to hear your suggestions. :) On a different note, I wish spring would just hurry up and come. I've written a poem about winter at the bottom (actually several) and now I'm tired of writing about winter. Please come, spring! Happy March 6th!

snowstorm: by kelly
when the air is quiet, and the trees are still,
be careful and look out your windowsill. 
in the northeast
do you see that?
a snowstorm.
with blizzards?
and ice.
blowing from the north and east,
comes charging here the great white beast,
you will see
can you see?
a white swirling cloud.
how long will it last/
one, two
five days.
be ready, and fast,
for this calm will not last,
as the beast will come running and charging past!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

Yes, I am a My Little Pony fan. Not all my sketches are going to be on MLP, though, so keep watch! I guess this picture isn't really just a scribble, but it does count as art. Happy March 5th!